Announcing our community blog!

By Nabil Tharwat

And the wind cries Mary by Pajunen on DeviantArt

Valarium community blog is the dedicated space for our community creators! It belongs to you, community members. There's not much to say here. I've been working on this blog for quite some time and today we announce it. Finally!

Technical notes

NetlifyCMS is the backend behind the scenes. It takes the Markdown files from the editor/admin page, creates PR commits to the root git repo, and when published moves the markdown files to the /blog folder, starting the build & deploy phase afterwards in which Gatsby handles the generation of static HTML from .sass, .md, and media files.

How to become a creator

If you'd like for your posts to be published on our blog, just send us a messsage! Whether you're a guest, or an active member of the community, your posts have a spot. The acceptance criteria is not 100% clear yet, but we're working on it. Feel free to ping me on Discord Sovereign#4984 or @ me on Twitter @nabil_tharwat16. You can also use the contact form on the contact page.

There's a dedicated channel on the server, #blog, in which you can post full blog posts and if wanted, you can ask us to share it on the blog for you as well.

Happy blogging!

— Nabil Tharwat